
Harriet Taylor
Auto Trader

As a seasoned app developer with over 7 years experience, Harriet has been integral in the creation of the android app for the UK's top automotive market place, Auto Trader. With a masters degree in electronic engineering and a focus on innovation, she specialises in user-centric solutions and proof of concepts, both client and server side, using Java & Kotlin. She is dedicated to promoting diversity in technology, particularly empowering women in tech through advocacy and inclusive environments.

Join us as we take you through Auto Trader’s 4-year journey in crafting our Server-Driven UI framework (Composable) and the architecture that powers our mobile apps. We’ll delve into why we decided to build instead of buy, our choice of Kotlin and the designs that fuelled our success. From pitfalls to breakthroughs, this talk will be full of useful insights for anyone considering Server Driven UI themselves.


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