
Ricky van Rijn
Sopra Steria

My name is Ricky van Rijn, Practice Lead and software developer/architect. My current focus is on upgrading best practices and solve complex problems with simple solutions. I'm interested in IT related topics mainly concerning the Java ecosystem, but also robotics, AI and new programming language updates.

Software Architecture is often designed before the engineers start and mostly never updated afterwards or during a project. After a few failed attempts to make the teams work better with the architects our team introduced the use of ArchUnit with PlantUML which can be used for multiple languages. This solved a lot of issues and discussions which architecture design needs to be used and if the code was matching the architecture. This also helped team members getting insight in the architecture and even suggest improvements!

The most important argument to introduce this specific combination of ArchUnit and PlantUML is that the truth is stored in the source code. The test is based on the PlantUML architecture file and when the test is successful the code should be according to the architecture. No excuse for hidden confluence pages or local design copies which might be lost in communication.

I want to show you what we did wrong and ofcourse how we've successfully integrated it within an environment of several teams and two architects.


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