
You've probably heard about Static Code Analysis tools provided by SonarSource, but have you ever thought about what's under the hood of these analyzers?

In this short presentation, I will try to explain a little bit about what I do for my job every day. We will implement a simple static analysis rule for Kotlin, learn the constraints, debug, and discover how various language features can influence the results.

This talk will be useful if you want to understand some basic static analysis concepts or even implement some rules by yourself. This will also be useful if you want to learn better about the limitations of static analysis, and how to deal with the reported issues.
Marharyta Nedzelska
Margarita is a big Kotlin fan and Kotlin GDE. Knows both conference sides: speaking and organizing. Organized a KUG in her native city Kyiv because she believes in Knowledge Sharing and Collective Intelligence. For her everyday job, she's building Static Code Analysis tools for Java/Kotlin/Scala and other languages.