
Short version: In this talk, I'll show how I migrated the backend for the NLJUG conference app (used for J-Fall, J-Spring and more events) from Spring running on Linux virtual machines to Quarkus running as GraalVM native image on AWS lambda.
Long(er) version:
A conference app backend makes the ideal candidate for a serverless architecture: almost no traffic during the year, and peak traffic during conference days.
In this talk, I'll show how I migrated the backend for the NLJUG conference app (used to rate talks for conferences with 1500+ attendees) from a traditional approach with Java and Spring running on Linux VM's to a fully serverless architecture with Quarkus, GraalVM native images, AWS lambda, API gateway and DynamoDB.
I'll talk about (and demo) the Quarkus development experience, migrating code to Quarkus, creating native images and the caveats involved, testing, deploying to AWS with the SAM CLI, monitoring, costs and more.
After this talk, you'll know enough to get started with building and deploying Quarkus native images on AWS Lambda yourself!
Bert Jan Schrijver
Bert Jan is CTO at OpenValue and focuses on Java, software architecture, Continuous Delivery and DevOps. Bert Jan is a Java Champion, JavaOne Rock Star speaker, Duke's Choice Award winner and leads NLJUG, the Dutch Java User Group. He loves to share his experience by speaking at conferences, writing for the Dutch Java magazine and helping out Devoxx4Kids with teaching kids how to code. Bert Jan is easily reachable on X at @bjschrijver.