
At Sainsbury’s, we make good food joyful, accessible and affordable for everyone, every day. Our focus on great value, excellent quality and convenient shopping, whether in-store or online, is delivered across each of our brands – Sainsbury’s, Argos, Nectar, Habitat, Tu and Smart Charge. Innovation is at the heart of our business and with 2,100 active GitHub users managing over 13,500 repositories, one of our priorities is scaling our technology to continue to improve how we serve our customers.
This presentation explores how we’re using InnerSource to enhance our capabilities and meet the diverse needs of our valued customers across all of our brands. By fostering collaboration, InnerSource empowers individuals to drive innovation tailored to customer expectations. Take Fable - Sainsbury’s official Design System, for example, our standardised product streamlines development, ensuring a seamless user experience while amplifying efficiency. InnerSource enables us to keep a sharp focus on innovation, propelling us forward for our customers
Lisa Li
Lisa is an accomplished engineering leader with close to two decades of experience, committed to assembling and supervising diverse software engineering teams. She specializes in formulating impactful engineering strategies, refining end-to-end customer delivery processes, and incorporating state-of-the-art technologies. Her leadership is anchored in values of respect, integrity, and innovation.
As a visionary leader, she empowers cross-functional teams to prioritize people-centric approaches, ensuring not only efficient software delivery but also nurturing a culture of collaboration and growth. With a keen focus on individual development and team dynamics, Lisa drives towards maximizing team potential and achieving exceptional results.
Toyin Ajayi
My name is Toyin Ajayi, and I am an Engineer with the Design Systems team responsible for our component library, Fable, at Sainsbury’s Tech. I have been an engineer for about six years now, some of which I have spent learning and working with quite a few programming languages, but my focus is now fully on frontend development.