
Cloud Native Buildpacks make it easier for developers to create container images, offering a seamless experience with built-in features such as rebasing, reproducibility, and support for multiple entry points. In this talk, we'll start by covering the basics of Buildpacks, looking at their architecture and the benefits they bring compared to traditional methods of building container images.

We’ll then explore the lifecycle component, which is the central binary of Cloud Native Buildpacks. This part will reveal how it manages the conversion of source code into OCI images and oversees the various stages of the build process, including detection, installation, and export.

We will also discuss the Paketo Buildpacks project, emphasizing its flexibility and community focus. This section will show how Paketo improves the developer experience by offering a curated selection of buildpacks that make configuration easier and enhance performance. Additionally, we'll share real-world examples of how organizations are using Buildpacks to streamline their CI/CD pipelines and speed up their deployment cycles. To wrap up, we’ll go over some best practices for integrating Buildpacks into your workflows, providing tips on maximizing their features for better performance and security.
Patrick Baumgartner
Patrick Baumgartner is a passionate software crafter, technical agile coach and trainer at 42talents. He works with people to create beautiful and simple solutions and enjoys building software for the cloud with Java, the Spring ecosystem, Neo4j and ElasticSearch and other open source technologies.

Learning new things from others and with others is something Patrick really enjoys. So he is actively involved in software craftsmanship, Java and Spring, and the agile community. He likes to make a difference, experiment and learn from and with others.