
Marharyta Nedzelska

Margarita is a big Kotlin fan and Kotlin GDE. Knows both conference sides: speaking and organizing. Organized a KUG in her native city Kyiv because she believes in Knowledge Sharing and Collective Intelligence. For her everyday job, she's building Static Code Analysis tools for Java/Kotlin/Scala and other languages.

Code coverage MythBusters
Conference (INTERMEDIATE level)

Code coverage is a compelling set of metrics that can help you improve the quality of your software, prevent potential bugs, and even help you investigate the issues.

And as we know with great power comes great responsibility. When applied in the wrong way code coverage can easily transform from your best friend that can boost a developer’s productivity into your worst enemy that throws the sand in the wheels of your developers' productivity machine.

After many years of answering community questions about code coverage in the JaCoCo mailing list, StackOverflow, and in the Sonar community forum we learned that most software engineers don’t understand the purpose of code coverage and how to apply it correctly.

In this talk, we will dispel the most popular myths built around code coverage. This talk will help you understand the concept of code coverage, how it should be used, and how to boost your productivity with code coverage.

Back on track after parental leave
Byte Size Session (BEGINNER level)

The transition back to work after parental leave is a significant milestone in the lives of many working parents. "Back on Track" is a talk that dives into the challenges, strategies, and opportunities associated with reentering the workforce after taking time off to take care of a child. This presentation aims to provide valuable insights and practical advice to individuals seeking a smooth and successful transition.

This talk is based on my own story, how I returned to work after 8 months of absence due to maternity leave. I hope my story will be helpful for people who are currently coming through the same period in their lives or just plan to join the "working parents" club and their colleagues.

Static Kotlin bug hunting with K2
Tools-in-Action (INTERMEDIATE level)

You've probably heard about Static Code Analysis tools provided by SonarSource, but have you ever thought about what's under the hood of these analyzers?

In this short presentation, I will try to explain a little bit about what I do for my job every day. We will implement a simple static analysis rule for Kotlin, learn the constraints, debug, and discover how various language features can influence the results.

This talk will be useful if you want to understand some basic static analysis concepts or even implement some rules by yourself. This will also be useful if you want to learn better about the limitations of static analysis, and how to deal with the reported issues.


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