Talks by Sessions

50 minute sessions on a range of different technologies, practices and methodologies
Concerto for Java and AI - Building Production-Ready LLM Applications
Could Virtual Threads cast away the usage of Kotlin Coroutines? What experience can tell us
Empathy-Driven Development: The Key to Unlocking True Accessibility?
How the World's biggest robbery changes the way we look at Stores of Value, Cyber Security and Privacy
Man vs. Machine: The Ultimate Green Software Showdown
Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions: Finding Your Meme Twin with Embeddings & Vector Databases
Rediscovering Apollo 11: Using Kotlin + Vector Search to Explore the trip to the moon!
Software Excellence in Large Orgs through Technical Coaching
The cash value of technical debt - How to scare your boss into doing the right thing
The Hidden Art of Thread-Safe Programming: Exploring java.util.concurrent
Unlocking the Full Power of AI Coding Tools: Practical advice for Developers
Work experiments - A test-driven approach to modern teamwork